
We are excited to announce the launch of the new AACC website! With this new launch, we will now host our webinars on AACC.net.

Tonights webinar The Anxiety Reset: Timely Insights and Proven Strategies to Address One of the Nation’s Most Pervasive Mental Health Issues,March 23, 2021. Presented by Gregory Jantz, Ph.D Will be hosted on aacc.net

Please login at aacc.net/my-account Access your webinar under Registered Courses

Username and Password are case-sensitive

(If your username was issued automatically, you must keep the "user" as part of the username before the numbers. Do not add "user" to your username if you already changed your username)



Forgot password or username?

Having trouble logging in? Enter your email in the forgot password tool to have your username sent to you and a link to reset your password!
(Just click the blue link above)